
Your StartSmart Schedule

StartSmart Day 1 StartSmart Day 2 Other
A whole day event in person at an external location
  • Appreciate different cultures on campus
  • Understand common expectations, challenges, and tips through student panels
  • Understand financial requirements
  • Successfully navigate different resources related to academic, registration, and student supports
  • Understand expectations for student roles & responsibilities
  • Learn about student leadership & employment opportunities
  • Make critical connections with peers & make new friends
  • Meet your peer mentors
Campus Academic Orientation
  • Learn about your study programme
  • Meet your academics and peers in your group
  • Tour the campus for key areas and information to help you get started
  • Meet the Students’ Association, Wellbeing, and other university teams
Other activities to complete:
  • StartSmart for Milestones module on your School iLearn
  • Get ready for your first week of class(es)!

Note: Cert HE and Weekend students will have a different StartSmart for September 2024 StartSmart. All details will be sent to your emails.

StartSmart Day 1 Online StartSmart Day 2 Other
Webinar style events
  • Appreciate different cultures on your programme
  • Understand common expectations and challenges
  • Understand financial requirements
  • Successfully navigate different resources related to academic, registration, and student supports
  • Understand expectations for student roles & responsibilities
  • Learn about student leadership & employment opportunities
  • Meet your peer mentors
Online Academic Orientation
  • Learn about your study programme
  • Meet your academics and peers in your group
  • Tour the online campus for key areas and information to help you get started
Other activities to complete:
  • StartSmart for Milestones module on your School iLearn
  • Get ready for your first week of class(es)!

Attendance and engagement at your StartSmart sessions is key to your success! If you fail to attend this can impact on your studies.